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Managed Parking Services in Australia and New Zealand

We have launched our Managed Parking Services business in Australia and New Zealand, under the name Smart Compliance Management.

The implementation of a well-run car park results in increased compliance and fewer instances of unauthorised parking – meaning that valuable parking space is maximised for your genuine visitors.

Smart Parking has been operating our Managed Services business for over 10 years in the UK, and we have brought that wealth of knowledge to over 700 sites across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


We can increase sales in your business

Since the various lockdowns across Australia and New Zealand, many businesses that rely on footfall for the majority of their sales have really suffered financially, and are now looking to get back on their feet. One way you can do this is have your customer car park monitored for overstays and abuse by non-genuine customers. This is where we step in with our technology-focused, customer centric solution with zero upfront or ongoing costs to you. Traditionally people have had to rely on the likes of tow truck services, or wardens conducting manual patrols, which are ineffective and costly, and can often lead to ugly confrontations and sometimes even violence in your car park. By installing our technology-based solution that uses Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras, our system provides a non-intrusive and fully automated service to catch parking infringements in your car park.